Our OMS sensors can be configured conveniently and easily via all standard Internet browsers. After entering the sensor IP address, the intuitive user interface is called up and all important settings can be made directly. The basic software is included with every sensor. Special functions such as brake and acceleration measurement can be optionally activated via a license.

Main Features
Status display: Overview of sensor details, calibration information and log files for error analysis.
Live data control: Real-time display of measured values for quick function checks.
Sensor settings: Adjustment of speed, mounting angle, filters and output rates depending on application requirements
Point of interest: Conversion of the sensor signals to a defined point on the vehicle.
Optional braking and acceleration measurements: Activation and control of these tests upon activation.
The software enables you to quickly and reliably adapt your OMS sensor to your specific requirements.
Software extension for brake & acceleration measurement

The software extension for OMS 4 and OMS 7 sensors provides you with a powerful tool for carrying out brake and acceleration measurements. The extensive functions and output options enable you to record the measured values efficiently and precisely, whether as an extension for your existing data acquisition solution or as a stand-alone solution without additional data acquisition.
- Direct calculation of characteristic values (e.g. MFDD, Dist, StartVel, …)
- Output to CAN bus / Ethernet
- Storage of measurements in a CSV file
- Various trigger options
- Automatic sequence control
- Sequence control via CAN commands possible
Precise, excited?
+49 641 972499-77
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